Innovative Investment Solutions
Sundial Wealth is a Registered Investment Advisor specializing in systematic equity momentum strategies and curated alternative investments.

Dynamic All-Weather Strategy
Our portfolios attempt to achieve positive returns regardless of the macroeconomic regime through the use of multiple asset types, tactical and passive exposures, and a combination of stability and instability seeking instruments.
Systematic Equity Momentum
Our strategies seek to outperform through a proprietary stock selection process and active position management driven by a disciplined rules-based approach.
Offered as a separately managed account custodied at Interactive Brokers or Schwab. Also offered in conjunction with a tail hedge for sophisticated investors.
Customized Solutions
Offering stand alone strategies or customized portfolios of non-correlated revenue streams designed to complement a client’s existing traditional stock & bond holdings.
Dynamic All-Weather Strategy
If you want your wealth to be readily available whenever you would like to access it, without having to wait (hope) for a market recovery, then you need a portfolio that minimizes the risk of significant drawdowns

Systematic Equity Momentum
Our strategies seek to outperform through a proprietary stock selection process and active position management driven by a disciplined rules-based approach. Offered as a separately managed account custodied at Interactive Brokers or Schwab. Also offered in conjunction with a tail hedge for sophisticated investors.
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